How to Find Your Perfect Luxury Watch

Posted by : / On : 06-Aug-2020 / In : Swiss Watch Hunter

You might often wonder which watch to buy especially when you’re looking to invest in a luxury watch. But, have you stopped to think that which luxury watch would be perfect for you? Here’s an easy way to find out the one which luxury watch will be a perfect one for you.

Online help:

If you are new to the world of watches, it is advisable to get online help from various platforms. Do not stick to one site, visit multiple ones to get different opinions. This way you can enhance your knowledge and get more clarity.

Make a list:

Do it the good old fashioned way by creating a list. Include the features and qualities you wish to have in your luxury watch and highlight them. This way, your search for the perfect luxury watch can be narrowed down and become more efficient.

Give it time:

Always remember to invest appropriate time as a luxury watch is not best suited for impulsive decisions. Have a more methodical approach as it will create more fruitful results.

Put yourself first:

You’re buying the watch for yourself and not others. Impressing others must never be a priority as you will be the ultimate wearer. Have the confidence to reject disapproval and count your opinion.

Live photos:

Try to get your hands on as many live photos as you can. Keep saving photos from different sources to get a better view. The professional shots will obviously beautify the product, the live ones will tell you the reality.


You have to look beyond the basic features and up your game when buying luxury watches. The ‘good-looking’ watch has to be more than that for you to invest a substantial amount. Consider the unique qualities of the watch and try to find them in others too.

Thorough research:

Thorough research is the key to finding the perfect luxury watch. It is highly likely you end up disliking the watch you bought the very next week due to many reasons. If you have set your eyes on a watch, dig deep and ask around for getting a better perspective.

Try them on:

We regret buying clothes online that do not look good on us, but you can always return them. As a luxury watch is a heavy investment, it is not advisable to take that risk. Try out the watch before buying to see how it looks on you as it can differ from what you imagined.

Look and feel:

During the trying out phase, notice how you like the look and feel of the watch. Just like how you don’t marry someone after one meeting, similarly, think about how the watch makes you feel. Your instincts will let you know.


After finalizing your watch, pretend for some days that you have bought the watch. If your mind still wavers to other watches, it is a sign you won’t be happy with the one you’re going to buy. While the search may be exhausting, the ultimate result will be definitely worth it.

If you own an entry-level luxury watch and want to know its value or want to buy a second hand luxury watch, you can connect with us via our email id ( or WhatsApp number (+91 90222 92222). We will be more than happy to assist you.